What is Creative Play? According to Messy Play Kits

What is Creative Play? As the Messy Play Lady, creative play is one of my favorite things because it encourages your littles to spontaneously design their very own recreational experiences. Instead of rules or regulations telling them what or how to do things, creative play stimulates your child’s imagination, encouraging them to create freely in a judgement- free zone that celebrates all artistic endeavors as uniquely fabulous!
The point isn’t to perform or meet a set of predefined standards. Instead, the purpose of creative play is to simply have fun. So, as long as your little has done that, they can feel accomplished no matter what they create!
The benefits of creative play are endless. That’s why Messy Play Kits has created a bunch of activities that promote creativity in your child. Below are two ways messy play activities can increase creativity and imagination in your little.
The Benefits of Creative Play with Messy Play
Developing Independence by Using Open-Ended Materials
Messy play is explorative and spontaneous– there is no scripted story or prescribed action that your child must take. Open-ended play can support flexible thinking, resilience, and independence. When you use open-ended materials, which are materials that don't have a prescribed use or specified manner in which you must use them, you allow children to make their own choices. This develops necessary critical thinking skills as well as bolsters their creativity and independence. So, instead of directing your child in what to do as they play, ask open-ended questions to extend your child's investigation:
"What do you think will happen when...?"
"What does it feel like when you...?"
"Why do you think we saw...?"
"I wonder..."
These types of questions encourage your little to think and create for themselves, allowing them to maximize the numerous benefits of creative play. Plus, you can learn a lot about the way they approach the world and what conclusions they have drawn, which can lead to some funny quotes!
For example, activities in the Dinosaur Dig Messy Play Kit, help your child wonder about what is going to happen with the volcano before you add the water and it starts to fizz. While hatching the dinosaur eggs, see if they notice the temperature of the egg before and after you add water- is there a difference, and if so, why do they think that is? Once the dinosaurs are hatched, have them visit the volcano and see if your child takes off on an unpredictable story line!
Building Self-Confidence
Creative self-confidence can be a challenge, especially if you struggle to find your own creations “worthy.” Building self-confidence in your kiddo often stumps parents and caregivers who are frustrated with their perception of their own limited artistic or creative skill sets. These grown-ups worry that they're setting their little ones up for disappointment. But you’re very much not!
Try to focus on the process rather than the product. Process-based art allows children to explore the materials and discover their own process for the project, without feeling pressure to create a particular thing. Let your kiddos explore the materials at their own pace, and don't fret if what they create looks totally different in the end from what you were expecting. That's fine! There are no rules to creativity.
This Messy Play Kits product, the Crazy Colors Messy Play Kit, focuses on the process rather than the end result so that your kiddo can enjoy the benefits of creative play without worrying about achievement!
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Now, when anyone asks you, “What is creative play?” You’ll know exactly what to tell them! If you want additional support in how to encourage creativity in a child, check out some more Messy Play products below! Or sign up for the Sensory Play Subscription here to receive a new activity box each month!
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