Messy Play Resources

Messy Play Resources » Baby / Toddler

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The Best Sensory Paint & More Art Supplies for Kids

The Best Sensory Paint & More Art Supplies for Kids

Check out the Messy Play Lady’s list of the best washable sensory paint and art supplies for kids. 
Valentine’s Day Art, Craft, and Gift Ideas for Babies and Toddlers

Valentine’s Day Art, Craft, and Gift Ideas for Babies and Toddlers

It’s never too early to begin your child's messy and sensory play journey. The benefits of play-based learning will promote your kiddos’ development, all while they’re simply having fun. If... Read More
Your First Messy Play Experience

Your First Messy Play Experience

Sometimes when we try a new activity with our kiddoes, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do it right. First, I want to reassure you that there are...
Keeping the Mess Contained

Keeping the Mess Contained

The biggest barrier that I encounter to messy play is … well, the mess. Every day I hear from parents, teachers, and caregivers who love the idea of sensory play for their...
Winter Sensory Bin Ideas to Celebrate the Holidays

Winter Sensory Bin Ideas to Celebrate the Holidays

These winter sensory bin ideas for toddlers and preschoolers are a great way to celebrate the holidays!
Fun Thanksgiving Sensory Activities for Kids

Fun Thanksgiving Sensory Activities for Kids

Thanksgiving, the season of gratitude, provides excellent opportunities for families to gather at the table for activities, crafts, and games. This list of fun Thanksgiving activities for kids will help... Read More
The Best DIY Fake Snow Recipes for Sensory Play With Kids

The Best DIY Fake Snow Recipes for Sensory Play With Kids

Here are my favorite recipes to DIY your own artificial or fake snow for holiday sensory play activities with kids.
Fun Christmas Messy and Sensory Play Activity Ideas for Kids

Fun Christmas Messy and Sensory Play Activity Ideas for Kids

Try these fun Christmas messy and sensory play activity ideas for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners!
Fun Halloween Sensory Activity Ideas for Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Older Kids

Fun Halloween Sensory Activity Ideas for Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Older Kids

Take a look at these fun Halloween sensory activity ideas for toddlers, preschoolers, and older kids for a spooky holiday season!